Case Studies

Modernising the budget process with CCH Tagetik solution

When habits are well established, modernising the budgeting process by changing the management tool can be more difficult than expected. By combining its expertise in Finance, Information Systems and Change management, BAKIA supports its clients in the success of their transformation projects.

Our client, a major player in the energy sector, was looking to use the CCH Tagetik solution to modernise, streamline and secure its budget process. They were looking for a CCH Tagetik specialist who was familiar with the standards of the tool and could guide them through the design and implementation of their new budgeting system.
The project was carried out in two phases with a first phase of design and presentation of the target budget process and a second phase of implementation.

To make this project a success, BAKIA put together a team consisting of a technical-functional expert, familiar with the budgeting process and CCH Tagetik standards, and a technical expert, responsible for implementing the solution. With good communication skills, these two experts have also led the change process by conducting numerous participative communication and training sessions.

In order to take into account our client’s expectations and specificities, we were very scrupulous about respecting the standards of CCH Tagetik, which was a guarantee of the project’s success, and about mobilising the players in the budget process.

For example, we proposed to devote some time to change management between the design and implementation phases in order to answer all the questions raised by the project and to start the implementation phase calmly. We also switched the entire project to remote mode in a few days at the beginning of the COVID 19 pandemic.

The project was executed together with the client, who appointed an internal project manager and assigned a dedicated team. We prepared and led the design workshops together, with the client often taking over functional elements that required additional discussions with the management controllers or arbitration. During the implementation phase, we carried out demonstrations of the solution (to the end users) and then jointly collated feedback from the management controllers of the various BUs, which led us to adjust the solution. Finally, we jointly prepared and conducted training modules to ensure that all stakeholders mastered the new budget process and the CCH Tagetik tool.

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